We love our TRUE Treadmills for one main reason: They are the highest quality, most advanced treadmills on the market. These TRUE treadmills are superior to any other treadmills and are the gold standard for elite gyms. They are tough, built to last, and have a long list of features sure to satisfy any workout needs.
Starting out, TRUE Treadmills are extremely user friendly and accurate, something not all commercial treadmills are. They have both incline and decline adjustable settings, with the incline reaching 30% and decline reaching 3%. Additionally, the treadmills are stocked with heart rate monitors and a cruise control feature. This HRC feature allows users to maintain a desired heart rate throughout their workout as the treadmill automatically changes both the speed and incline to keep them on track. On top of all that, they also feature a high quality screen display to help you keep track of your workout stats. These innovations are just some of the features that set these treadmills apart.
In addition to the long list of technologically advanced features, TRUE Treadmills are also one of a kind in their mechanical makeup. Each treadmill is made from top of the line industrial parts and withholds a weight capacity of over 400 pounds. With that also comes an extremely durable motor. With 3HP, these treadmills set the standard for longevity, even after years of regular use. Built with extreme high quality, our TRUE Treadmills are the best of the best and can handle numerous different workouts whether you’d like to do some HIIT interval training or run a marathon. And the best part about this all is that we’ve lined four of them up in our cardio section so our members can get the absolute most out of their workouts!